Father's Day is approaching. A time to celebrate the huge contribution made to family life by our nation's dads. This day is a special moment of the year to say thanks for all the sacrifices made, for the hard work, for the long hours of parenthood that dads put in. What really needs to be celebrated is what world renowned author and speaker, John Maxwell states is, The Law of Consistency.
To become the dad we want to be we must look at three critical elements and debunk a few myths of how dads are portrayed. Let’s begin with three questions we need to ask ourselves.
How will I remain Motivated?
How will I remain Disciplined?
As Arthur Gordon said, "Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is harder than living them, day after day. What you promise today must be renewed and decided tomorrow and each day that stretches out before you." Discipline is a matter of taking total responsibility for your future. Discipline is often misinterpreted. Many people link discipline to being in trouble. But if you look deeper, a discipline is what you learn. Be strong enough to discipline yourself, so others will not have to.
How will I become Consistent?
If you want to continue to improve, if you want to continue to grow you must be consistent. Everyday, you need to do something to improve as a father. There is an old saying that you are either getting better, or you are getting worse, you never stay the same. What we practice consistently is the skill level we develop. Becoming a great dad, is a skill we should try everyday to obtain mastery level.
Secondly, we need to acknowledge two major differences portrayed in fatherhood, the Entertainment World vs. the Real World.
Lastly, as Real World dads, we must spend quality time. Giving quality time forces us to make deliberate choices to spend time together in everyday life: whether eating meals, walking around the block, going to the store, or cleaning the house. Because of consistency, these everyday settings naturally give way to remarkable moments. Through consistently spending quality time together unforgettable moments occur. We often have the best intentions of spending plenty of time with our families. But the reality is, we can't plan the treasured moments any more than we can plan the perfect Christmas morning snowfall. These moments happen through consistency.
So how do you plan to grow? How do you plan to be more consistent as a father?
Monthly Quote:
“Nobody ever becomes an expert parent. But I think good parenting is about consistency. It's about being there at big moments, but it's also just the consistency of decision making. And it's routine.” - Sebastian Coe
Monthly Challenge:
Answer the three questions posed above and develop your goals to becoming a better dad.. How will you remain motivated? How will you remain disciplined? How will you become consistent?
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