Monday, July 6, 2015

Fatherhood: Motivation, Discipline and Consistency

Father's Day is approaching. A time to celebrate the huge contribution made to family life by our nation's dads.  This day is a special moment of the year to say thanks for all the sacrifices made, for the hard work, for the long hours of parenthood that dads put in. What really needs to be celebrated is what world renowned author and speaker, John Maxwell states is, The Law of Consistency.  

Image result for 15 laws of invaluable growthIn John Maxwell’s 15 Laws of Invaluable Growth he stresses the idea of in order to make significant change, to have an incredible impact, and to grow, consistency has to be one of the main ingredients. He concluded that “Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing.”

To become the dad we want to be we must look at three critical elements and debunk a few myths of how dads are portrayed. Let’s begin with three questions we need to ask ourselves.    

How will I remain Motivated?
Image result for zig ziglarWhen I think of motivation I can’t help but picture Zig Ziglar.  Zig’s leadership lesson were unprecedented and each of his lessons could be tied to being a better father.  One of his most famous sayings was, “People say motivation doesn’t last, well neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily”.  Think about it to be good at something, you have to be motivated.  Fatherhood is no different.  

How will I remain Disciplined?
As Arthur Gordon said, "Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is harder than living them, day after day. What you promise today must be renewed and decided tomorrow and each day that stretches out before you."  Discipline is a matter of taking total responsibility for your future.  Discipline is often misinterpreted.  Many people link discipline to being in trouble.  But if you look deeper, a discipline is what you learn.  Be strong enough to discipline yourself, so others will not have to.  

How will I become Consistent?
If you want to continue to improve, if you want to continue to grow you must be consistent.  Everyday, you need to do something to improve as a father.  There is an old saying that you are either getting better, or you are getting worse, you never stay the same.   What we practice consistently is the skill level we develop.  Becoming a great dad, is a skill we should try everyday to obtain mastery level.  

Secondly, we need to acknowledge two major differences portrayed in fatherhood,  the Entertainment World vs. the Real World.

Image result for dads portrayed on tvMany dads are often portrayed as incompetent and other not so glamorous adjectives on television shows.The only consistency that is often seen is their inability to do things correctly, their inability hold a job, or to be absent all together.  We need to make sure this is not the dad our kids interact with.  While it may seem harmless to get a few cheap laughs at dads' expense, these characters, and their hilarious incompetence, form the backdrop for our society's water cooler and social media discussions about the roles fathers play in families.   Some of these portrayals may even reflect and encourage a damaging attitude towards men and their ability to be a great father. Through motivation, discipline, and consistency we can enlighten people to the fact, that this is not the dads we want to be.  

Image result for 24 7 365Thirdly,  We need to make sure fatherhood is about spending quantity time.  Maxwell, in referring to his Law of Consistency, is quick to point out that far too often we become inconsistent by using the term, “someday”.  We will go there “someday”; we can go to the park, “someday” etc.  What is evident is that “someday” doesn’t work.  That being a “someday” dad doesn’t cut it.  Everyday is what works.  Someday does not.  This does not mean that you have to be with your children 24,  7, 365, however it does mean you have to be about your role as a dad, and improving this highly regarded position 24, 7, 365.   You have to be consistent to be a great dad.  You have to spend quantity time to grow.   As Real World dads, we must seek quantity time.

Lastly, as Real World dads, we must spend quality time. Giving quality time forces us to make deliberate choices to spend time together in everyday life: whether eating meals, walking around the block, going to the store, or cleaning the house.  Because of consistency, these everyday settings naturally give way to remarkable moments.  Through consistently spending quality time together unforgettable moments occur.  We often have the best intentions of spending plenty of time with our families.   But the reality is, we can't plan the treasured moments any more than we can plan the perfect Christmas morning snowfall.  These moments happen through consistency.  

So how do you plan to grow? How do you plan to be more consistent as a father?

Monthly Quote:

“Nobody ever becomes an expert parent. But I think good parenting is about consistency. It's about being there at big moments, but it's also just the consistency of decision making. And it's routine.” - Sebastian Coe

Monthly Challenge:

Answer the three questions posed above and develop your goals to becoming a better dad..  How will you remain motivated? How will you remain disciplined? How will you become consistent?

Spring: New opportunities for you and your children

Image result for duke basketball 2015 national championsWith the recent crowning of Duke University as Men’s Basketball National Champions, the Final Four and basketball season has come to an official end. This could mean only one thing – spring. It is now time for all fathers and families to renew their family bond. It’s time to check the air in your kids’ bicycle tires, dust off the baseball gloves, and restock the sidewalk chalk. Spring is here. It is time for families to be actively engaged in nuances of spring cleaning and enjoy the rebirth of our surroundings.
No matter what situation you’re in as a father, whether life seems pretty good right now or you’re really struggling, I hope you’ll apply this idea of renewal to your role. Spring is a renaissance. A rebirth of everything around us, and hopefully within us as well.
Sometimes I find myself falling asleep on the couch after doing the nightly chores with the kids and around the house, and then wake up to the television still being on. Recently as I awoke one night, I began watching a movie,”Renaissance Man” starring Danny Devito. Although I have seen this movie many times, it was hitting at a special nerve. Maybe it was the timing, maybe it was the message.
Image result for renaissance manBill Rago was a divorced advertising executive down on his luck. When he loses his job, the unemployment agency finds him a temporary job; teaching a class at a nearby U.S. Army training base. Initially unenthusiastic and unable to connect with his pupils, he is on the verge of giving up. However, in a desperate attempt to spark their interest, Rago quotes from his favorite play, Hamlet. Eventually through his teaches, his understudies end up excelling all while he has rebuilt himself, and his own relationship with his daughter. While helping his daughter to reach her dreams, by supporting something he had initially neglected. DeVito’s character was a true Renaissance Man, because not only did he change others, he changed himself and families.
As of right now in our area, flowers are coming up, trees are blooming. There is fresh grass growing and being cut for the first few times. Everything seems new. The warmer weather and the longer days, means more opportunities to be with you children doing things they enjoy. So, you say you are too tired and think you still need to rest, do it while lying in the driveway and allowing your children to trace around your body on the concrete with their sidewalk chalk.
Spring brings so many renewals of opportunities to be with our kids. Whether it be just sitting and observing them and noticing their mannerisms, their choices, what they do and how they do it. Your bond with your kids may be on the sports field, helping to coach a little league baseball team, while yet other fathers may bond through early morning breakfasts, gardening, or hiking the trails. The only catch is you have to be present for this Renaissance. We can all find and travel different paths to having successful relationships with our children, the key is you influence and build those positive relationships by being present.
Monthly Quote:
“Youth is the spirit of adventure and awakening. It is a time of physical emerging when the body attains the vigor and good health that may ignore the caution of temperance. Youth is a period of timelessness when the horizons of age seem too distant to be noticed.” — Ezra Taft Benson
Monthly Challenge:

Sit down and discuss what spring has to offer your family. Make a to do list of the top things that your family could do together and post this list in view of all family members. Be sure to come up with a unique way to celebrate your accomplishments. Maybe even make time to watch “Renaissance Man.”