As an educator, a lot has been made of the next generation assessments that our students are currently in the midst of taking. You will find supporters of these new tests, you will find opponents. You will have some parents perfectly fine with their children being tested, while others are preferring to “opt-out.” No matter your stance, there is one thing we cannot do in our role as a father, “OPT-OUT.” Fatherhood is based on daily preparation and taking a daily test. The learning curve is continuous. The rigor and the depth of knowledge needed increases every day as a father and family leader.
According to, there are roughly 70 million fathers across the nation, with about 25 million raising children below the age of 18. With roughly 35% of fathers having school age children, this speaks to the heart of fathers being present. If you ever wondered what our society would become if we decided to “OPT-OUT,” just begin to take a look around. In alarming numbers, 43% of US children live without their father [US Department of Census]. In these cases, fathers have “OPTED-OUT.” If that does not grab your attention let me step up the rigor by adding, fatherless boys and girls are: twice as likely to drop out of high school; twice as likely to end up in jail; four times more likely to need help for emotional or behavioral problems. [US D.H.H.S. news release] Fathers clearly should no longer have the option to “OPT-OUT.”
When my wife and I first became parents, we found ourselves constantly receiving advice from those that had been there. Advice from potty training to planning for future graduations - just within that span of time, there are hundreds of conflicting opinions about every parenting-related topic. Some think parents push too hard, some think parents don’t push enough. Some parents live vicariously through their kids, while others let them make their own decisions. There are many ways, but the great fathers, the great families do not have an, “Opt-Out” clause. The great parents are in for a lifetime.
By not “Opting Out” we are preparing our children for next generation success. These teachings are rigorous, these teaching must provide readiness for college and careers. By “Opting In” we are teaching lessons in life with the most value. During this time we are responsible for teaching core values such as values of being a good person, friend, citizen, and employee. When “Opting Out” is chosen, it becomes evident that many children miss out on some of these important lessons. Since they did not learn the lessons of life, too often these people either grow up to be miserable, in unhappy relationships, unable to hold jobs, with a sense of entitlement, or a combination of all of these.
With the recent poor weather and kids at home due to not having school, I hope that fathers were making time to continue to educate with rigor and to teach through implementing a depth of knowledge that only a father can provide. Regardless of the time frame in which this teaching takes place, these lessons cannot be taught by others.

Monthly Quote:
Being a father has been, without a doubt, my greatest source of achievement, pride and inspiration. Fatherhood has taught me about unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me how to be a better person. - Naveen Jain, business executive and entrepreneur
Monthly Challenge:
“Opt in” and build your list of qualities you want your children to take with them as they prepare for their assessments in life.
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