For those who know me, they know I have a passion for quotes, motivation, and all things leadership. Evident by the nine binders in my office, and numerous more files at home containing both handwritten and typed sheets of notes from conferences, seminars and various books over the years. Some may say that it’s a bit of an obsession. Although some may disagree, I believe it is a healthy addiction.
Serving as a building principal, I have continued a tradition that is twenty years in the making. I begin every day with a quote hoping to reach, inspire, and challenge students, staff, and myself alike.
Similarly, each year I have also come up with a theme for the school year. Again, for those who know me best, they understand my desire to become better each day. Part of my personal improvement goal is to read as many books as I can during the summer months. Among others, this summer’s author of choice was Jon Gordon. In particular, his book, “One Word that will change your life,” resonated with me so much that it has impacted me in two majors ways. First, it has become Warsaw Elementary’s theme, with staff members coming up with their own One Word that serves as a reminder, and helps them to keep a focus on their yearly goals. Secondly, I thought about mentors that have had an impact on me as a father. I spent time in thought and came up with the names of four men, although there are more, who I have learned tremendous lessons from and that have had an impact on my ongoing fatherhood. I put into writing what their One Word impact was to me with hopes of encouraging you to do the same.
My four fatherhood mentors that have changed my life: Kyle Kanuckel, Roger Huebner, Mike “Gunner” Gunther, and Bob Alsept.
Kyle: The one word that I associate with Kyle’s impact is Loyalty. Loyalty, is defined as having a strong feeling of support or allegiance. Always, being a man of high character, Kyle always takes time to listen, support, and educate me, as well as others. I learned from watching how he carried himself; balancing his career and fatherhood and how he treats his wife with utmost respect. Some may say Kyle is loyal to a fault, but to me his loyalty has helped shape me as a father. Among many of Kyle’s lessons is that he always puts the needs of others before his own. From his great advice while dealing with being married and raising kids, “I can be right, or I can be happy, and I choose to be happy”, and the respect he demonstrated to the River View community, Kyle has had a lasting impact on me through his loyalty. Even now as a father of two adult daughters, as well as a grandfather, Kyle’s loyalty is unwavered. Loyalty is paramount to becoming significant as a father.
Roger: The one word I most associate with Roger is Support. Defined as, showing that you approve or to give help or assistance. No matter what his children were involved in, Roger was always there. Roger always made sure his children’s needs were met. He also became one of my biggest supporters and best friends during my early coaching days. I can vividly recall a tremendous conversation I had with Roger while seeking advice prior to my marriage. He shared with me his commitment to his wife early in their relationship, “I will build you a house, and put our kids through college”. How about that as a sign of support, and Roger did that now twice. With building his second home and putting two daughters through college, Roger continues to live up to his word. Support is paramount to becoming significant as a father.
Mike: The one word I most associate with the impact Gunner has had on me is Passion. Defined as a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something. No matter what Gunner is involved with, he is passionate about being the best. Maybe that comes from his upbringing of finding out as a six-year-old that he had been adopted, a fact I did not know until this past March, even though I have known Gunner all my life, or maybe his passion came from being a state champion athlete in high school, Gunner is an “all in” kind of guy. A meticulous teacher, author, and coach, I have learned from my interactions and viewing how he worked his teachings into his coaching. I admired how he was highly involved and engaged in his two daughters’ education, athletic careers and transitions to adulthood. Gunner’s passion has impacted many young families. Passion is paramount to becoming significant as a father.
Bob: The one word I contribute to Bob to having an impact on me as a dad is Perseverance. Defined as a continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition. As a young coach with a laser focus for winning titles, and later resigning before season’s end, Bob has demonstrated perseverance as a supportive husband and father, through his desire to be a father at all costs. Bob’s route to fatherhood is through the path of adoption. Sometimes for no explainable reasons, families cannot have birth children of their own. Faced with this opposition, adoption led him to becoming the father of two young daughters. Working through setbacks and overcoming obstacles along the way, I have learned from Bob, that every child needs a dad. He and his wife have also positively impacted and encouraged other couples to take the same route. No matter what challenges fatherhood may bring, I think of how Bob persevered and was given the most coveted title, Dad. Perseverance is paramount to becoming significant as a father.
My list of mentors that have impacted me as a father could go on and on. However, looking back over the previous paragraphs, if I can demonstrate loyalty, unconditionally support, live with passion, and have incredible perseverance, I have the opportunity to reach my desired goal of being a better father everyday.

In case you were wondering what my One Word is this year, my word is Significance. Defined as the quality of being important; the quality of having notable worth or influence I am hoping to be a person of significance for my children as their father. I say all the time that if I could be a person of success or a person of significance, I want to be a person of significance. I believe that there are plenty of successful people, but they may not be significant. They may have all the riches and talents, but do not impact others. However, if you are a person of significance, you impact others, then without a doubt, you are a success. I thank the four mentors mentioned, as well as many others for being men of significance. By the way, if you hadn’t noticed earlier, each of my mentors has two daughters, just like me.
Monthly Challenge: Make a list of some mentors during your journey of fatherhood. Come up with One Word that you would use to describe their impact on you as a father. I encourage you to read Jon Gordon’s book, and I hope you find your One Word that will change your life! What word will give you focus and meaning to make this year your best year yet?
Monthly Quote: “Don’t chase success. Instead make a difference and significance will find you.” - Jon Gordon